TTT: Top Ten Reasons Why I Love Reading

I know I’ve been a bit absent from the blogiverse. A lot has happened just in the last couple of weeks, where I lost one temp job before my contract ran out and then got offered another one right away! I love it, but my body needs to adjust to the change in my sleep schedule since I meet at work at about 7:30 am ;w;

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme, created by The Broke and Bookish and is now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

This week’s Top Ten Tuesday is a special one! We’re diving into reasons why I love reading 🥳

1. Reading is like a movie but in my head

2. Reading allows me to go wherever and whenever I want to go

3. Reading gives me endless opportunities for adventures

4, Reading can be like a cozy hug or a kick in my emotions – depending on what I’m in the mood for

5. Reading is a good source for discussions / fan theories

6. Reading fuels my creativity

7. Reading fantasy and sci-fi makes my dreams more vivid and fun

8. Reading gives my mind a break from overthinking and anxiety

9. Reading gives me an opportunity to see the world through someone else’s eyes

10. Reading gives me an excuse to buy more books

If you haven#t seen it I highly recommend The Pagemaster – an awesome animated movie!

I know this week’s post is a bit short, but I still hope you enjoyed it 🙂

Happy reading ❤

10 thoughts on “TTT: Top Ten Reasons Why I Love Reading

  1. Awesome list! I especially like the ones about fantasy and sci-fi books making your dreams more vivid and feeling like you’re watching a movie. I actually feel like I’m watching a movie when I write and that’s one of the reasons I love it.

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